Pellupro Cid
Proprietary blend of Organic, pH stabilizer, and probiotics
Proprietary blend of Organic, pH stabilizer, and probiotics
- Eliminates the Disease-causing pathogens such as Vibrio, Aeromonas, virus, Fungi and other pathogens in pond water.
- Stimulation and secretion of the digestive enzymes by lowering the pH of GIT
- Acts as a excellent soft disinfectant when applied in pond water.
- Organic acids also help in improved hydrolysis of protein thereby leading to overall increase in nutrient digestibility
- Organic acids, especially short chain fatty acids have considerable amount of energy stored in themselves, hence also serve as good energy source
- Reduces gut pH and enhances amino acid digestion and absorption of feed.
- A solution for White Gut, White faeces disease, Gill chocking, Black/Brown Gill.
- Stabilizes gastrointestinal microbiota
For shrimp: 2-5 gm/kg of feed mix with binder gel
Pond water: 2-4 kg/Acre
For shrimp: 2-5 gm/kg of feed mix with binder gel
Pond water: 2-4 kg/Acre